Flame Amplifier and Flame Controller
Fluidyne Flame Amplifiers, Controllers, and Relay Model FFA-100 is a stand alone unit of ABS plastic molded body with two potential free relay contacts rated for 5A, 240V AC that can be used for alarm indication or safely-interlock purpose. The Fluidyne Flame Controller Amplifier Relay has an in- built switch-off time delay of 2 second in case of transient flame.
Fluidyne Flame Amplifiers, Controllers, and Relay Model FFA-100 is a stand alone unit of ABS plastic molded body with two potential free relay contacts rated for 5A, 240V AC that can be used for alarm indication or safely-interlock purpose. The Fluidyne Flame Controller Amplifier Relay has an in- built switch-off time delay of 2 second in case of transient flame. The Fluidyne Flame Amplifier Relay works with Fluidyne make Flame Sensors as well as other makes and models. The rating of Fluidyne UV tube Flame Sensors should be 230V AC rms (325V DC peak). Fluidyne Flame Sensors can detect weak UV radiation in narrow bad around 260 nm and is not sensitive to visible light or infarred radiation, having quick response of about 40 milli seconds, with very high reliability and long life of over 20,000 hours. Fluidyne Flame Sensor and Amplifier Controller Relay is suitable for GAS, OIL, COAL, Electric, LPG and CNC Flames