Fluidyne Inclino meters or clino meters and also called vesicular trim level indicators or pitch and roll indicator, slope gauge or gradient meteror even level gauge and as an instrument for measuring angles,slopes, tilt or roll in ships and aircrafts and also used for findingelevation or depression of an object with respect to gravity and earths plane. The most important application is in marine ships,submarines and air crafts. These are mechanical instruments designedfor very rugged applications. The instrument measures tilt as dynamicmeasurement.
Fluidyne tube or ball inclinometers or tube/ball clinometers also called vesicular trim indicators are made from recessed wooden oraluminium body housing a single spirit filled curved bubble tube oran indicating ball moving in a curved tube with a stainless steel orplastic scale that indicates the tilt in degrees with in the centre and 0-20 degrees on either side and other scale range optionsup to 0-45 degrees can be supplied on request. These instruments are duly factory calibrated with master tilt gauges. Illumination can also be provided for the tube for better visibility of bubble orball.